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Claus Pedersen

Project Manager

Claus is a Chief Consultant at Rambolls department for Existing Bridges and Monitoring. For more than 15 years he has worked with various aspects within assessment of existing bridges especially focusing on load carrying capacity for both intact, damage and deteriorated bridges. Claus works in his professional capacity both as specialist consultant and/or project manager in areas such as traditional load carry capacity, assessment of damage and deterioration, detailed modelling of structure and capacities and probabilistic modelling. The main clients include the Danish Road Directorate, Danish Railway administration, Danish contractors, Swedish Rail, all national road administrators in Sweden Norway and Finland, Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.

Kim Obel Nielsen

Project Manager

Kim is an Engineer at Rambolls department for Bridge and Tunnel Asset Management. For more than 7 years he has worked with systematic operation and maintenance of infrastructure facilities. Kim works both as a specialist and project manager in a large number of Asset Management projects, which includes inspections, monitoring and rehabilitation, minor maintenance and repair work, as well as larger rehabilitation projects. The work includes development of long-term strategies for the assets and cost assessments, which includes recommendations for maintenance actions and determining life cycle costs for existing as well as new structures. The main clients include the Danish Road Directorate, Danish Railway administration, Municipalities, CPH City & Port Development and Sydney Harbor Tunnel Company.

Matilda Djidara

M.Eng, Civil Engineering (mag. ing. aedif.)

Specific experience of uncertainty modelling and risk profiling for railway infrastructure elements (Irish Rail). Over 6 year experience with work related to road and railway slope stability on infrastructure (Republic of Croatia).

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Prof. Alan O'Connor

BA BAI, C.Eng., F.I.E.I., Ph.D

Alan is a director of ROD-IS and a Chartered Engineer with extensive international experience in risk assessment of built infrastructure. He has authored over 120 technical papers in this field and numerous book chapters. For the past 10 years he has acted in a professional capacity as a specialist consultant in risk assessment, probabilistic modelling and optimized lifetime maintenance management planning for infrastructural elements/networks (including bridges and embankments). He has advised clients such as: Irish Rail, the Irish National Roads Authority; the Danish Roads Directorate, the Norwegian Roads Authority, Swedish Railways, Danish Railways and The Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. He is currently involved in five EU funded 7th Framework Projects focused on infrastructure performance optimisation.

Dr. Cathal Leahy

Research Engineer

Cathal joined RODIS in March 2014 as a Research Engineer shortly after completing a PhD in University College Dublin. Cathal received his Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from University College Dublin in 2010.His PhD was funded by the Irish National Roads Authority Fellowship Programme and investigated using Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) data to predict extreme traffic loading on bridges. His research used statistical methods as well as long run traffic simulations to predict critical loading events.

Dr. Paul Doherty

Project Manager

Leader on several European research projects on geotechnical based risk modelling and decision support tool development.

Project manager on several civil engineering projects involving large scale infrastructure system optimization in response to geotechnical risk analysis and decision support tool development. 

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André Orcesi

Ph.D, Civ. Eng.

André is a researcher in the Materials and Structures Department at IFSTTAR. He has conducted research work these last ten years in the fields of structural systems reliability, inspection/maintenance management and life-cycle engineering.

His work focuses on infrastructure management, the mechanisms degrading their reliability and their durability as well as the actions which affect these structures. His research activities especially deal with structural reliability, structural robustness, risk assessment, inspection, structural health monitoring, maintenance, repair and management optimization of infrastructures.

MSc., Civ.Eng.

Aleš obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in structural engineering from the University of Ljubljana. Since 1988 he has worked as a research engineer at ZAG Ljubljana, currently as the head of Section for bridges and other engineering structures. Nationally and internationally he is active in the fields of condition and safety assessment of bridges, bridge loading and bridge weigh-in-motion systems. He is a member of a number of committees and associations and has contributed to over 20 international research projects. He was the assistant coordinator of the COST action 345 and the EC FP5 project SAMARIS and has coordinated the EC FP6 project CERTAIN and FP7 project TRA2008. He has written over 120 technical papers. 

Dr. Maja Kreslin

Research Engineer

After finishing her PhD in University in Ljubljana, she was employed as a Researcher Engineer at ZAG’ Section for bridges and other engineering structures. Her professional work areas are numerical modeling of structures, bridge safety assessment and bridge WIM systems. She has recently contributed to the European projects Heroad and Bridgemon.

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